1. Revista Texto Digital, published by UFSC's Núcleo de Pesquisa em Informática, Literatura e Lingüística [Research Group in Computer science, Literature and Linguistics] (NUPILL), preferably receives unpublished articles related to Literature in the digital medium, of opinative and/or scientific characteristics, based on research and/or description of experiences. In case of already published texts, indicate sources previously published.
2. The articles will be judged by, at least, two avaliators. After receiving the originals, the Editorial Board will be responsible for sending them to two members of the Editorial Counsil within a three day period, afterwich the Counsil will have a period of therty days to manifest their judgement. The article may be: a) aproved integral, with no alterations to be made; b) aproved integraly, with alterations to be made; c) rejected. In case of an article being aproved by one member and rejected the other, a third Counsil member will be asked to evaluate it, with the purpose of setling the judgement. When an article is aproved with requests for alterations, it will be sent back to the author, who will have ten days to return the article, with the requested corrections, to the Editorial Board, who will be responsible for verifieng the requested corrections.
3. The articles and works published in here become property of Texto Digital. Its total or partial reprinting is subjected to the explicit mentioning of its preceding publication in this periodical, citing the edition and date of publication. For legal effects the original source must be stated. We also inform that the originals will not be returned to the author.
4. The texts could be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, English, French or Italian.
5. The articles must be submitted by electronic mail to the address: textodigital@cce.ufsc.br, informing it to be an article for the Revista Texto Digital, preferably in DOC (Word Document).
6. The texts must be typed with space 1,5, font size 12, type Courrier New, paper format = A4, without paragraph markings.
7. The first page must contain: the title and the name of the author(s), followed by his/her qualification (maximum title), name of the institution which he/she is tied to and e-mail.
8. The article must begin with the title in the original language of the text and in English, followed by an informative summary in the original language and in English. It must contain key–words that better identify the content of the article, in the original language of the text and in English. In the case of texts written originally in English, the title, the summary and the key–words in second language must be in French.
9. Quoting in the body of the text, in Portuguese language, must be accordingly referred to by the ABNT NBR10520:2002. Articles in other languages must be referred to according to the norms in use in their respective languages.
10. The bibliographical references must be written in accordance with the ABNT NBR6023:2002, in the case of articles in Portuguese. Articles in other languages must have their bibliographical reference elaborated according with the norms in use in their respective countries.
ARAÚJO, Ricardo. Poesia visual: vídeo poesia. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1999. 178 p. (Debates, 275).
Book chapter (same auther)
ARAÚJO, Ricardo. Dentro. In: ________ . Poesia visual: vídeo poesia. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1999. Cap. 4. p. 99-109. (Debates, 275).
Book Chapter (other auther)
SOUZA, P. Um ritual de escrita na internete. In: NEITZEL, A. de A.; SANTOS, A. L. dos (Orgs.). Caminhos cruzados: informática e literatura. Florianópolis, Ed. da UFSC, 2005. Cap. 4. p. 73-103. (Literatura de Zero e Um).
Paper in periodical
CARVALHO, N. Polissemia e homonímia. Investigações: lingüística e teoria literária, Recife, v. 10, p. 119-129, dez. 1999.
Paper in Electronic Journal
FERNÁNDEZ, K. de F. S. O corpo lê a holopoesia. Texto Digital, Florianópolis, ano 3, n. 2, dez. 2007. Disponível em <http://www.textodigital.ufsc.br/num05/karina.htm>. Acessado em: 31.mar.2008.
11. The contents of the works are of exclusive responsibility of the authors.
For the July edition: receiving texts till June 10.
For the December edition: receiving texts till November 10.
Updated in 13/07/2006 |